What a fun bloggy contest! We're invited to share our secret with bloggityville, then link back to Darlene Schacht's blog - with a chance at winning an iPod Shuffle! How cool! So I'll play along:
My secret that I don't want to move. There. I'm not terrified, but I am scared. People have no idea how long it took me to get to the comfort level I'm at here, I can't bear the thought of starting over again. I do NOT make friends easily. Although, I am better at it than I used to be, so maybe it won't be as hard this time around.
Secretly, every little delay so far just thrills me. I shouldn't feel this way - poor DH is so tired from all the commuting, but part of me doesn't care. I want to stay here. Well, not this house, I hate this house more every day, but here where we live. I know where everything is at, I know everyone at church, I know the local homeschool covers, etc. I don't want to leave all this behind.
I know, I know. It's a growing experience. It will be a wonderful town to live in. But half of me just wants to cuddle up under the covers and not care.
So - what's your secret? To see all the rest, just click on the little picture above.
Ooops, I forgot to follow instructions! I'm also supposed to mention the book that started this whole contest idea, Allison Bottke's "One Little Secret", as well as the sponsor of the contest, Art Bookbindery. Thank you to both of you for this fun little contest!
Technorati Tags: blog+contest
Moving is VERY stressful. I desperately want to move out of my house, but I don't want to leave our neighbors.
BTW, I've got a secret!
I can totally understand your feelings about moving. It is one of the biggest stresses in life. I think everyone dreads uprooting their life to start again. I'll pray for you to see some blessing in it each time you pull those covers over your head!
Thanks for sharing your little secret.
I'm an Air Force brat, so I moved every 3-4 years. Once I had a family of my own, I promised I would stay put. So far I have, and if I ever did move, I would feel the same as you. Thanks for sharing your secret!
oh -- i can relate. i moved soooooo much in my childhood and then my 20's were spent living out of a back pack. the very thought of having to pack it all up again makes me very
but the upside of moving so muchhas definitely been the friendships I;ve been given that are scattered all over the globe.
thanks for sharing!
I have not had to move in 27 years, BUT I have had to move close family members and friends and do not like it one little bit. I think that's what keeps me right where I am. Thanks for sharing.
Hey I don't think anyone likes moving or leaving their comfort! Thanks for sharing!
I'm the total opposite! I love to move, and I chat so much that meeting new friends just thrills the socks off of me. lol
Thanks for sharing your secret!
Oh boy, I wouldn't want to move either. We need to get back to church (in one we actually like) and I'm so intimidated by the thought of walking in there knowing no one. Praying it all goes very well for you!
i hate moving. it's very stressful. i moved just a few months back. i don't have problems making friends but it's the packing and unpacking that stresses me out. =D
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